$30M of SEEDS funding now available for developing industrial sites

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Near Industrial Site E1721068765763
The NEAR Industrial Site in Etowah County. (Alabama Department of Commerce)

Once again, communities across the state have the opportunity to apply for grants to help develop industrial sites that could be used for high-impact economic development projects in the future.

The Site Evaluation and Economic Development Strategy Act, or SEEDS, provides grants to accelerate the development of industry-ready sites in the state. The first round of grants was announced by the Alabama Department of Commerce in February.

Now, a second round of funds is available. Keep reading to find out more about the state’s plan for the money + how your community can apply for a grant.

How the grants will be used

A total of $30.1 million in SEEDS funding were matched with $38.4 million in local funds at 29 different industrial sites encompassing nearly 8,400 acres. Now, another round of funds estimated to total around $30 million will be given out by the State Industrial Development Authority (SIDA).

“The new industrial sites created through SEEDS funding are allowing us to compete for more than a dozen corporate growth projects involving a combined $13.5 billion in new capital investment and 5,000 jobs.”

~ Ellen McNair, Secretary of the Alabama Department of Commerce

McNair is urging community leaders and other economic development officials to apply for the grants and take advantage of the SEEDS Act.

The application portal for SEEDS site assessment and site development grants is now open and closes on Sept. 30. The portal can be found on the website of the Economic Development Partnership of Alabama (EDPA).

SIDA will evaluate the applications and announce results in early 2025.

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Caleb Turrentine
Caleb Turrentine
Articles: 516