5 scenic parks to find native Alabama flowers across the state


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Lance-leaved Coreopsis. (The Bama Buzz)

It’s officially springtime! If you’re anything like me, you’re looking for a great way to enjoy the sunshine. Why not take a stroll to see the native Alabama flowers in bloom? To be considered native, flowers must occur naturally in a particular region without human interference. Read on for five scenic trails to explore across the state, plus the native flowers you’ll find there.

Stop and smell the flowers

The winter blues can get to everybody, but the good news is, spring is in full bloom. Hiking, at any skill level, is an excellent form of self care. Not only is it a great workout, but it allows you to step away from the screens, immerse yourself in nature and ease your mind.

According to the American Psychological Association, “spending time in nature is linked to both cognitive benefits and improvements in mood, mental health and emotional well-being.” These beautiful Alabama parks make it easy to enjoy the great outdoors.

1. DeSoto State Park

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Located in northeast Alabama, DeSoto State Park is home to many scenic strolls, fragrant wildflowers and the tallest waterfall in the state. Whether you’re an expert adventurer or enjoy taking it easy, there are trails for every skill level.

Bonus: More breathtaking views await at the nearby Little River Canyon National Preserve.

2. Cheaha State Park

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Not only is Cheaha State Park the highest point in Alabama, it’s also the state’s oldest park and full of wonders to behold along its many trails. Only 30 minutes from Oxford, Anniston, Talladega and more, you’ll find a variety of beautiful wildflowers as you breathe in the fresh air.

  • Flowers to look out for: Azaleas, Rhododendron, Mountain Laurel, Coreopsis, Indigo
  • Location: 19644 Hwy 281, Delta, AL 36258
  • Hours: Park admission ceases thirty minutes prior to sunset and all day-use areas and trails close at sunset.
  • Website

See how walking can boost your mental and physical health with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama.

3. Oak Mountain State Park

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As Alabama’s largest state park, Oak Mountain provides more than 50 miles of trails in Pelham. Enjoy the great outdoors and take in the beauty of several native flowers as you hike, bike or run through the park. While there, you can also swim, camp, fish, golf and go horseback riding.

4. Sipsey Wilderness

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Little Sweet Betsy. (The Bama Buzz)

You’ll get a real taste for adventure as you journey through the Sipsey Wilderness, with deep canyons, high waterfalls and lush forests. Located a few miles south of Moulton, this vast section of Bankhead Forest is perfect for observing unique fauna and flora.

  • Flowers to look out for: Sweet Betsy, Twisted Trillium, Virginia Bluebells, Mayapples
  • Location: Mt Hope, AL 35651
  • Hours: Open 24 hours
  • Website

5. Splinter Hill Bog Preserve

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From sandy longleaf pine forests to marshy bogs, Splinter Hill Bog is home to a variety of habitats and wildlife, including some of the most impressive white-topped pitcher plant bogs in the world. Explore the peaceful and quiet 2.3-mile loop trail, ideal for taking your time to stop and smell the flowers.

Getting out and enjoying the fresh air is an easy way to keep yourself healthy and happy. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama is here to help you live your best life.

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