9 Alabama nurses tell what it’s really like inside the hospitals right now on TikTok
Reading time: 8 minutes

Even before FDA approval of the COVID-19 vaccine, Gov. Kay Ivey began to place pressure on those who are unvaccinated, “It’s time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks, not the regular folks. It’s the unvaccinated folks that are letting us down.”
Now that over 12,000 Alabamians have been lost to the COVID-19 pandemic and ICU beds are at full capacity, nurses are speaking up about the exhaustion they’re experiencing on the front lines. This exhaustion stems from a mixture of tough shifts, mistreatment from patients, the continuous spread of misinformation, and people continuing to fail to take COVID-19 seriously all while they help COVID-19 patients fight for life. Adding to the mix, nurses are anxious and fearful about the health of Alabama citizens as victims of everyday injuries, such as those from car accidents or workplace injuries, cannot be admitted to the ICU.
We’ve picked out 10 TikToks from 9 different nurses that show just how Alabama nurses are feeling.
1. @kenzie_rn on COVID-19 myths
2. @nursemaemae in a Alabama Rush Parody
3. @amberjusm on Mistreatment of Healthcare Workers and Strain on the Healthcare System
4. @abruntstorm on Full ICU Beds
5. @shelbdeee_rn on Exhaustion and Mental Strain
6. @covidicunurce on Tough Shifts
7. @shanamarienp on Mental Health
8. @jess.lynne.026 on Repeating COVID-19 Patterns
9. @_momwifenurse on Governor Kay Ivey’s Most Recent Emergency Order
Join us next Tuesday, September 7th, at noon in a statewide moment of silence to honor the 12,000+ Alabamians that have been lost to the COVID-19 Pandemic.