‘Beads that tell a story’: How this program gives Children’s of Alabama patients a new hope

Reading time: 1 minute


Emma, Children'S Of Alabama Beads Of Courage
Beads of Courage makes life a little brighter for children in the hospital. (Megan Allshouse)

If you see the colorful beads parading the necks of young boys and girls at Children’s of Alabama, know that it’s a testament to their strength during a hard time.

The Beads of Courage®Program provides an innovative Arts-in-Medicine program for children coping with serious illness, their families and the clinicians who care for them. Through this program, children receive beads that symbolize each step of their treatment journey.

In addition to fostering hope and creativity, the beads are just one way a special team known as Child Life Specialists make a difference in these young patients’ lives. Meet the team!

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Children'S Of Alabama
Callie Morrison
Callie Morrison
Articles: 110