City of Montgomery has reduced energy use 35% at its facilities, saving $6.5M since 2017
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The City of Montgomery has been awarded a superior rating for energy performance and efficiency by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Energy Star certification program.
The honor marks the sixth consecutive year the Capital City has earned the distinction.
Environmental Projects Save Money and Planet Earth

Made possible by a partnership between the city and Cenergistic, an energy optimization company, the community has saved money via reduced energy costs and energy consumption at city-owned facilities.
Here are the results:
- More than $6.5 million has been saved over the past six years, thanks to energy efficiency programs
- The scope of the program has expanded from 12 City facilities in 2019 to 50 facilities in 2022.
- Facilities are now realizing a reduction of 35 percent or more in energy use and emissions.
2000 Less Cars.
“We’re not only conserving energy and protecting our environment, but we’re preserving tax payer dollars which means we can use those savings to invest in critical community needs, like public safety, infrastructure, community centers and transit,” Montgomery Mayor Steven L. Reed said
Reduced consumption from Montgomery facilities is equivalent to taking more than 2,000 cars off the road for a year or planting more than 300,000 new tree seedlings.
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Other projects Montgomery is working on throughout the community:
- In partnership with Alabama Power, converting 21,000+ street lights to energy-efficient LED lights throughout Montgomery. 95% of the energy used by an LED goes to produce light instead of wasted energy.
- Intentional development to reclaim and regreen the community by transforming vacant properties into high-quality public greenspaces, like the Shady Street Park & Trailhead.
- Exploring proposal to invest millions into green infrastructure projects, like porous asphalt and stormwater tree trenches, to reduce flooding and other effects of climate change
“Building a smart and sustainable city is essential to becoming a leader in this decade and beyond because it affords us the resiliency and quality of life that are key ingredients to future growth, job creation and development,” concluded Mayor Reed.
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