Disc dog clubs might be a new trend in Alabama

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Disc Dog
There are three disc dog clubs in Alabama. (“Dog catching frisbee 07-04-2015 175” by Richard Hurd is licensed under CC BY 2.0)

In the category of obscure sports, Alabama does have some pretty niche sporting groups scattered throughout its communities. In fact, did you know that the state has three disc dog clubs?

Here’s where you can find these unique clubs, and an upcoming competition here in Alabama:

Upcoming disc dog clinic in Alabama

Disc Dog
This clinic for Frisbee dogs is next week in Shelby County. (K9 Frisbee Toss & Fetch Worldwide League)

A clinic for disc dogs is being held next week in Sterrett.  This is for beginners and advanced disc dog participants alike, where beginners will learn the rules for playing K9 Frisbee Toss & Fetch and everyone will get to play a couple of practice rounds on an official field with their dogs.

An instructor will also be on hand to provide hands-on instruction and techniques for experienced players to learn how to set your dog in motion, time your release, and throw farther and straighter to help you and your dog play safely, become more successful and have more K9 fun.

Disc dog clubs in Alabama

There are more than 250 clubs throughout the country, with three of them located in Alabama. Here’s where you can fins them:

The disc dog sport has become increasingly popular in the last few years. The AKC estimates that more than a million dogs play flying disc in the United States alone, though only a small percentage participate in organized competitions.

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Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 150