Enterprise “Weeveals” it’s 26th Weevil statue on Weevil Way—meet McWeevil

Reading time: 2 minutes

(Weevil Way/Facebook)

Late last month, the city of Enterprise “weevealed” its 26th weevil statue on Weevil Way as part of an ongoing public art project. 

The newest addition? McWeevil on 652 Boll Weevil Circle, located on the grounds of a local McDonalds franchise. And yes, he looks like Ronald McDonald…sort of.

Why Boll Weevils?

Anyone who has ever taken Alabama history in the 4th grade knows the story of the Boll Weevil Monument in Enterprise, Alabama.

For our out-of-state friends, here’s a quick recap. In the early 1900s, boll weevils were destroying cotton crops throughout the South.  Instead of trying to kill the pest, farmers in Coffee County moved away from planting cotton and tried a new crop that the boll weevil didn’t like — peanuts.

By 1919, Coffee County was the number one producer of peanuts in the nation, and that year the community built a statue recognizing the pesky pest in the city of Enterprise, the county seat.

Inscribed on a nearby historical marker: “In profound appreciation of the boll weevil and what it has done as the herald of prosperity, this monument was erected by the citizens of Enterprise, Coffee County, Alabama.”

A Head-Turner

According to a story on CBS 42, McWeevil has been catching some flack on social media. Folks either like or not. Here are some comical tweets.

(Screenshot Twitter)

More Trails

Check out the other 25 Weevil statues – HERE. Want to see other trails in Alabama towns?


What do you think of the new McWeevil and Weevil Way?  Tell us on social media by tagging @thebamabuzz  

Pat Byington
Pat Byington
Articles: 475