How you can become a champion for native plants and trees in Alabama

Reading time: 1 minute


Birmingham Botanical Gardens Native Plant Sale (Jacob Blankenship / Bham Now)

“Think Globally, Act Locally.” About 50 years ago, this catchphrase appeared on bumper stickers and t-shirts everywhere.

The message was simple. If you want to become a champion for planet Earth, begin by concentrating your efforts on your own home, backyard, neighborhood and community.

How do you start?  

In this series, we explore how YOU can make the world a little bit greener, healthier and more beautiful here in Alabama.

Our first story focuses on something we all can do — transform our yards and community into a native tree and plant paradise.

 We sat down with three local conservationists to learn how to turn our gardens into sanctuaries for pollinators.

Read the full story here.

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Pat Byington
Pat Byington
Articles: 462