How your company can become a team of life savers now through this local CPR + AED Training course

Reading time: 1 minute


American Red Cross, Cpr, Aed Training
Do you know the steps to perform CPR? (Bham Now)

Did you know Birmingham’s bystander CPR rate is only 7.52%? The national average is 40%, which means we have a lot of work to do to help keep our friends, neighbors, coworkers and families safe.

To do our part, six of us at Bham Now recently participated in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) + Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) Training with the American Red Cross.

Here’s a look at what we learned and how you can sign your company or group up for this life-saving course

Ready to create a company of life-saving employees? Sign up for CPR Training with the American Red Cross.

Sponsored by:

American Red Cross
Patience Itson
Patience Itson
Articles: 229