Huge 8,000-acre tract in Mobile-Tensaw Delta now protected by The Nature Conservancy

Reading time: 3 minutes

(The Nature Conservancy In Alabama)
(The Nature Conservancy in Alabama)

Great news for the state! A nearly 8,000-acre tract of land in the Mobile-Tensaw Delta is now under the watchful protection of The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in Alabama. The land was purchased thanks to a $5.2M gift from Holdfast Collective, the non-profit majority shareholder of the Patagonia brand.

Read on to learn more about the purchase and what it means.

The Mobile Delta’s “Land Between the Rivers”

(The Nature Conservancy In Alabama)
(The Nature Conservancy in Alabama)

The 8,000-acre tract is located in an area of Clarke County where the Alabama and Tombigbee Rivers join, commonly known as the Mobile Delta’s Land Between the Rivers. According to TNC, the critical tract’s creeks, rivers, ponds and oxbow lakes contribute to the Delta’s recognition as the home to the greatest number of freshwater species in the U.S.—which makes it one of the most ecologically diverse places on the planet.

“This tract represents the largest remaining block of land that we can protect in the Mobile-Tensaw Delta. First and foremost, TNC is doing this work for our fellow Alabamians who rightly pride themselves on their relationship with the outdoors. Conservation lands in the Delta position it as an anchor in a corridor of protected lands stretching from the Gulf of Mexico to the Appalachian Mountains and has long been a priority in TNC’s ongoing efforts to establish resilient and connected landscapes across the region.”

Mitch Reid, Director, The Nature Conservancy in Alabama

In addition, the TNC sees the Mobile-Tensaw Delta as one of the best high-yield opportunities for carbon capture projects in the U.S., aside from the Cumberland Plateau in the Appalachian mountain range. With TNC’s protection and management, this area’s forests will continue to capture and store carbon as part of the Earth’s natural solutions to climate change.

Made possible by Holdfast Collective donation

(The Nature Conservancy In Alabama)
(The Nature Conservancy in Alabama)

Over the past three decades, TNC in Alabama has worked with partners to protect nearly half of the 200,000-acre Mobile-Tensaw Delta region. This recent addition was made possible thanks to a $5.2M gift from Holdfast Collective, the non-profit majority shareholder of the Patagonia brand.

“Alabama is important. The Holdfast Collective sees Alabama, and the Land Between the Rivers, as a landscape that is as critical to protect as our other priority areas around the globe. This project is the first step in a long-term strategy with our partners in Alabama to protect America’s Amazon.”

Greg Curtis, Executive Director, Holdfast Collective

In addition to Holdfast Collective’s gift, an unnamed source provided $10M in a revolving load fund for the land deal. Meanwhile, TNC committed $3M to the acquisition of the property.

“The Holdfast Collective and The Nature Conservancy recognize that Alabama is an internationally significant landscape for conservation. Protecting this unique and foundational habitat will benefit the people and wildlife who make their homes in Alabama and throughout the southeastern U.S.”

Mitch Reid, Director, The Nature Conservancy in Alabama

Glad to see a large portion of the “Land Between the Rivers” now protected by the Nature Conservancy in Alabama? Tag us @thebamabuzz to let us know!

Nathan Watson
Nathan Watson

Tennessee native who fell in love with Birmingham during college. Graduated from Birmingham-Southern College in 2019. Passionate about Birmingham and its continued growth.

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