Professional sandcastle builders in Gulf Shores get national attention

Img 7110 1 Beaches, Fun, Gulf Shores, Sandcastle University
Janel gets sculpting on the beaches of Gulf Shores. (Liv George / The Bama Buzz)

A Gulf Shores-based professional sandcastle sculpting business, Sandcastle University, recently got some big attention on the national stage—a feature on The Today Show.

We caught up with owner and professional sand sculptor Janel Hawkins about the timeline of her success. Keep reading for that and some exciting new offerings at Sandcastle University.

“The beach is the best office ever”

When Janel started professionally sand sculpting in 2014, she was (in her words) a “broke college student.” She found an ad on Craigslist asking for sand sculptors, no experience necessary. She got that job.

In the ten years since, she’s honed her craft—training in the Destin/Fort Walton Beach area before moving back to her hometown of Gulf Shores in 2017. That’s when she started Sandcastle University on the lily-white sands of Alabama’s Beaches—and how she caught the attention of Today Show producers.

“Someone said to me…it takes 10 years to be an overnight success. I’ve been doing it for exactly 10 years now…Once one publication starts, it’s like a domino effect. And it was really great to kind of see that one big Today Show domino fall.”

Janel Hawkins, Owner of Sandcastle University + Professional Sand Sculptor

What is Sandcastle University?

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Janel says her favorite sculpture she’s made is a dragon named Mushu. (Liv George / The Bama Buzz)

Sandcastle University teaches you how to make fantastic sand sculptures like the ones Janel makes. Typically, they come to you after you’ve booked a class for your family. They’ll teach you the basics of wet and dry sand, how to use molds and how to keep the beach safe after a day of sculpting.

Something new the University is offering is public sculpting lessons. For a set admission price, you can join Janel and her crew to learn some sand-sculpting basics. It’s a great way for locals to get involved, too. Here’s what we know about that:

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Liv George
Liv George

A Georgia native soaking up the sun on the Gulf Coast. Lover of Mardi Gras, beach days, and historical sites.

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