Small Biz Monday: 3 reasons to love the eclectic vibes at The Copper Column in Fairhope (with videos!)
Reading time: 2 minutes

Happy Small Biz Monday, Gulf Coast! This week, we’re talking all-things The Copper Column, an eclectic shop that sells everything from brand new clothes to old-fashioned antiques. Let’s take a look at what exactly makes The Copper Column so special. Plus, we included some videos so you can take a little walk through The Copper Column with us.
1. The store itself
I can honestly say I’ve never been to a store as groovy as the The Copper Column. It’s a series of a few different buildings, looped together with a gorgeous courtyard in the middle. True to its eclectic style, the entire place is immaculately decorated, and everything is for sale. Walk through rooms of clothing to get to porch decorations, walk through there to find awesome antiques. It’s got just a little touch of everything.
2. Women’s boutique clothing
Speaking of the boutique women’s clothing, it’s one of the reasons to fall in love with The Copper Column. There’s an awesome, curated aesthetic of clothing that ranges from “eclectic southern-hippie” to “full on Dolly Parton” and everything in-between. You can get your full outfit here too, they’ve got your tops, cardigans, shoes, and all the accessories. Don’t forget to check out the jewelry line too!
3. Outdoor decor
Here in the South, as I’m sure you all know, porch sitting is a time-honored tradition. It makes sense, then, that porch decorating is held in similar regard. The Copper Column has everything you need (and some things you didn’t know you needed) for your porch decor; everything from adorably cheesy signs to wind-chimes to adorable planters.
Ready to visit The Copper Column yourself? Here’s all you need to know:
- Address: 311 De La Mare Ave, Fairhope, AL 36532
- Hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. every day but Sunday
- Contact: Website | Facebook | Instagram
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