Sweet Home Alabama named best college football tradition by 247 Sports. Do you agree?

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University of Alabama Million Dollar Band (Pat Byington/The Bama Buzz)

The verdict is in. 

247 Sports, one of the leading college sports recruiting and information sites, has declared the playing of Lynyrd Skynyrd’s —  “Sweet Home Alabama”— the best college tradition in college football.

Who were the runner-ups? Here is 247 Sports final ranking:

  1. “Sweet Home Alabama” — University of Alabama
  2. Jump Around — University of Wisconsin
  3. Dotting the ‘I’ — The Ohio State University
  4. Howard’s Rock — Clemson University
  5. Kinnick Wave – University of Iowa
  6. Enter Sandman— Virginia Tech
  7. Cowbells — Mississippi State University
  8. Army-Navy Game 
  9. Toomer’s Corner — Auburn University
  10.  Sooner Schooner — University of Oklahoma 

This is what 24/7 Sports had to say about the tradition at Alabama:

“The title alone explains this one. Lynyrd Skynyrd’s song, “Sweet Home Alabama,” is a song that rings familiar to Crimson Tide fans all across the state. Inside Bryant-Denny Stadium, the speakers crank out the song and all 100,000 fans in attendance sing out the lyrics to the song. It is rather simple but something that gives you chills if you are lucky enough to be a part of the tradition.”

Let the Debate Begin

Did they get it right? I can bet you some Crimson Tide fans would say no — choosing instead the controversial rendition of the supergroup Alabama’s  “Dixieland Delight” over “Sweet Home Alabama.

Obviously, Auburn fans would like to have seen Tommer’s Corner ranked higher.

Who is Missing?

The state of Alabama has two traditions that deserve at least an honorable mention. 


Jay Brandrup, Julie Brandrup and Adele Brandrup holding up the UAB Homecoming jersey. (Pat Byington/The Bama Buzz)

Since 2016,  UAB football players have worn their popular alternate green and lime homecoming jerseys with the name of a Children’s Harbor child, stitched on the back.

Over 500 Children’s Harbor children and their families have been remembered and honored since the beginning of the tradition. 

Magic City Classic – Battle of the Bands

Seeing the Alabama A&M’s marching Maroon &  White and Alabama State University’s Mighty Marching Hornets should be on everyone’s bucket list. And the tailgating is unmatched.

Who else should be on the list? Tell us what you think by tagging us on social media at @thebamabuzz

Pat Byington
Pat Byington
Articles: 477