17 Alabama communities are accredited by Main Street America for 2023. Can you name them?

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Main Street
Montevallo downtown mural (Pat Byington/The Bama Buzz)

If you’re a big fan of vibrant downtowns districts, Main Street Alabama has 17  Communities that have been designated as an Accredited MainStreet America™ program.

Each year, Main Street America and its partners announce the list of Accredited programs to recognize their exceptional commitment to preservation-based economic development and community revitalization through the Main Street Approach™.

17 Accredited programs

Mural in downtown Anniston – February 2022. (Pat Byington/Bham Now)

According to Main Street Alabama’s President/State Coordinator Mary Hellmer Wirth, the following towns and communities have met the rigorous accreditation standards:

We are very proud of our Main Street programs and the work they do every day; it is wonderful to see them recognized nationally by Main Street America as well.” 

Main Street’s Impact Nationwide

In total, Alabama’s Accredited Main Street America programs join 862 nationwide.

According to Main Street America, in 2022 their programs accomplished the following: 

  • Generated $6.2 billion in local reinvestment
  • Helped open 7,657 net new businesses
  • Facilitated the creation of 29,174 net new jobs
  • Catalyzed the rehabilitation of 10,688 historic buildings
  • Leveraged 1,528,535 volunteer hours. 

On average, for every dollar that a Main Street program spent to support their operations, it generated $24.07 of new investment back into their downtown communities.

Coming to Birmingham in 2024

Beyond the Accredited Main Street programs, more than 1,600 communities are served by this impactful national group.

On May 6-8 2024, those organizations will be attending their national conference here in the Magic City.

“Main Street Alabama is thrilled for the opportunity to showcase our beautiful state and the innovative projects that are happening in our Main Street Districts,” said Wirth.

How to get involved with your local Main Street program

Interested in learning more about your local Main Street Alabama program? The group is always looking for volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering in your local Main Street program, contact your local Main Street Director.

Pat Byington
Pat Byington
Articles: 485