$30M expansion of Mobile road finishes after five years of construction

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Ziegler Road
An aerial look at Ziegler Boulevard. (City of Mobile)

A long-awaited road project in Mobile is officially complete.

The widening of Ziegler Boulevard began in 2019 and on Thursday, Dec. 12, the City of Mobile officially celebrated the completion of that $30 million project.

“The Zeigler Blvd. Widening Project represents a more than $30 million investment into one of Mobile’s most highly trafficked corridors. It has helped alleviate traffic congestion and improve accessibility and safety for pedestrians and cyclists.”

~ City of Mobile

Keep reading to learn more about the project + see exactly which part of Ziegler Boulevard has been impacted.

Ziegler Boulevard Widening Project

City leaders came together for a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the completion of the multi-phase project.

The road work has widened and substantially improved more than four miles of Zeigler Boulevard between Forest Hill Drive and Schillinger Road, adding several roadway and infrastructure improvements including:

  • New vehicle lanes
  • Dedicated turning lanes
  • New traffic signals
  • New sidewalks
  • Dedicated bicycle lanes
  • Drainage improvements

The road is just north of the University of South Alabama’s campus and runs near the Mobile Regional Airport.

Both phases of the project were supported by a combination of federal, state and local dollars, including federal transportation funds received through the Mobile Metropolitan Planning Organization. Local funds were contributed by the City of Mobile and Mobile County through its Pay-As-You-Go Transportation Improvement Program.  

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Caleb Turrentine
Caleb Turrentine
Articles: 514