4 interesting facts about the small town of Tuscumbia

Reading time: 3 minutes

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The center of downtown Tuscumbia (Bess Christopher / The Bama Buzz)

Tucked away in the Northwest corner of the state, is the small town of Tuscumbia. This small town was founded in the early 1800s and is rich in history and interesting facts. The town is home to about 9,000 residents.

Keep reading to learn some interesting information and facts about Tuscumbia.

Tuscumbia founded in 1817

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Downtown Tuscumbia, featuring a sign telling the history of the town (Bess Christopher / The Bama Buzz)

In the year of 1817 when Tuscumbia was founded, the original name of the town was Ococoposa, meaning (“cold water”). The name was then changed to Big Spring, but this name still did not seem fitting for the town.

In 1822, the town was named Tuscumbia in honor of the Chickasaw Indian chief living here at the time.

Home of Alabama Music Hall of Fame

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The sign outside of the Alabama Music Hall of Fame (Bess Christopher / The Bama Buzz)

The Alabama music hall of fame is located in Tuscumbia and opened here due to the efforts of the Muscle Shoals Music Association. The hall of fame is a popular tourist destination in the Shoals due to dedication to honor and preserve the music heritage of the state of Alabama.

The music hall of fame has three ways they honor each Alabama music legend, they incorporate exhibits illustrating the musicians accomplishments, place their stars in their walk of fame, and induct them into the Alabama music hall of fame.

Birthplace of Helen Keller

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Ivy Green, the childhood home of Helen Keller (Bess Christopher / The Bama Buzz)

Ivy Green, the childhood home of Helen Keller is located in the small town of Tuscumbia. The home was built in 1820 and is opened for the public to tour. This is a very popular tourist attraction for the area.

In honor of Helen Keller, the city of Tuscumbia holds a festival each year. The festival is a week long and held every June, they also hold a performance of “The Miracle Worker” at the home during the festival.

  • Visitors of Ivy Green can see the home’s original furnishings + personal mementos
  • In 1954, Ivy Green was made a permanent shrine and placed on the National Register of Historic Places
  • Hours: Monday through Saturday 8:30AM – 4:00PM, Last tour starts at 3:45PM
  • How to visit + more information

Tuscumbia Spring Park

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Tuscumbia Spring Park, with a view of the pond at the end of the waterfall (Bess Christopher / The Bama Buzz)

Tuscumbia Spring Park is nestled in the heart of the town, and the site of many gatherings and events. The park also is full of history, established in the early 1800s and an homage to the Chickasaw heritage in the area.

The park is also home to the largest man-made natural stone waterfall which runs through the center of the park. The park is also full of natural springs, making it a beautiful natural location to visit in Tuscumbia.

Have you ever visited the small town of Tuscumbia? Let us know on Facebook & Instagram!

Bess Christopher
Bess Christopher
Articles: 44