7 ways to celebrate Pride in the Port City this summer
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The month of June is LGBTQ+ Pride Month and is meant for celebrating the most authentic version of yourself—no matter what others may think. Mobile is very LGBTQ+ friendly and inclusive! There’s an awesome slate of events this month, both family-friendly and, well, 21 & up.
So if you’re in the Port City and looking to celebrate all that you are, we’ve got you covered with this 2021 Guide to Pride in Mobile.
About Rainbow Mobile

Rainbow Mobile is a non-profit organization located in downtown Mobile whose mission is to create a more inclusive and liberating space for LGBTQ+ individuals in Mobile and Baldwin counties. Throughout most of the year, their work focuses on outreach for the LGBTQ+ community, but during the month of June, their focus shifts to all-things-pride.
After the COVID-cancellation of last year’s Pride, this year’s is sure to make a splash. To get everyone in the spirit, Rainbow Mobile started a few social media and community campaigns for this year.
If you’re walking the streets of downtown Mobile and see a rainbow flag outside a shopfront, that’s the #BeVisible campaign! The rainbow flag symbolizes gay pride, and therefore, any business decorated with a rainbow flag is *proudly* showing their support for the LGBTQ+ community.
Home Pride Contest
Similar to the Yardi-Gras celebration we all saw in March, Rainbow Mobile is also hosting a front-porch Pride decoration contest! The contest started on June 1st and will conclude on the 26th. The entire contest is virtual—to enter, all you need to do is decorate, take a pic, and tag Rainbow Mobile. They’ll take care of getting you on the list of contestants from there. Voting all happens online, and the contest winner gets a $100 gift card.
“What PRIDE means to me”
As another socially-distanced Pride event, Rainbow Mobile is asking members of the LGBTQ+ community in Mobile to send a short video or paragraph detailing their personal relationship with Pride Month and what that means for everyone. Rainbow Mobile will post these on Facebook throughout the month to remind us all what Pride means.
For more information on these campaigns, check out Rainbow Mobile’s Website!
Family-Friendly Pride

Pride is for folks of all ages! While some events—like drag shows—may be a bit risqué for younger Pride-goers, there’s still plenty of family-friendly Pride events in Mobile this month!
LODA Artwalk Celebrates Pride
- When: Friday, June 11
- Where: Cathedral Square, downtown Mobile
This month, LoDa Artwalk is Pride-themed! As always, Artwalk is a family friendly event on June 11 (the second Friday of the month) from 5:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. There will be tons of food, a second-line down Dauphin led by Drag Queens, art exhibits, activities for kids, and more. If you only go to one Artwalk a year, make it this one, you won’t regret it.
For More info, check the LODA Artwalk Facebook page!
Rainbow Mobile’s Family Pride Celebration & Picnic
- When: Saturday, June 19
- Where: Municipal (Langan) Park
This is the family-friendly Pride event in Mobile this year! From around 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., you can get out and socialize with LGBTQ+ members of your community for an awesome picnic! All you need is a picnic blanket, lunch, and your family! Rainbow Mobile is coordinating music, yard games, and more! Come with an open mind and an empty belly!
18+* Pride events

*NOTE: Some of these events are 21+ rather than 18+, but many events have a cover charge for those under 21 and older than 18.
LGBTQ+ Bars in Mobile
There are actually a few bars in the Mobile area that cater to LGBTQ+ customers. We’ve listed some of them here for you to check out!
- Flip Side Bar & Patio: Mobile’s newest LGBTQ+ bar! A bit more laid-back and conversational.
- B-Bob’s Downtown: Where you’ll find a drag show and classic Mobile nightlife with a Pride twist. They also have daily drink specials and game nights for your entertainment.
- Gabriel’s Downtown: The oldest alternative bar in Mobile, complete with Karaoke Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Due to the volume of events, guests, and games, we highly suggest you check out the schedules for each of these bars to find your best Pride hangout!
No matter where you go or what you do for Pride, it’s all about accepting yourself—and those around you—for who they are. So get out there and celebrate love this Pride month!