Alabama makes 6th best state to drive in, according to WalletHub

Reading time: 2 minutes

280 Traffic
280 in Birmingham on a good day. (Nathan Watson / Bama Buzz)

Everyone hates being stuck in traffic, especially when you just get off from a long shift and are sitting on the highway for 40+ minutes.

Many states across the U.S. observe similar traffic trends and according to a study by WalletHub, Alabama is the 6th best state to drive in. WalletHub compared four main components:

  • Cost of ownership and maintenance
  • Traffic and infrastructure
  • Safety and access to vehicles
  • Maintenance services

Keep reading to learn more about how Alabama stacked up compared to other states.

Factors of driving in Alabama

Downtown Bham Traffic
Alabama ranked #1 in road quality, according to WalletHub. (Jordyn Davis / Bama Buzz)

Traffic congestion has cost the average American nearly $800 per year, according to WalletHub.

That’s a lot of money considering traffic congestion can also cause wear and tear on a car and ultimately lead to shorter lifespans for vehicles. The good news is that our great state ranked 10th for the “share of rush-hour traffic congestion.” This means we do surprisingly well with smooth traffic flows during peak commuting times and highlight well-designed roadways.

If you’re like me and have relatives outside the state of Alabama, you find yourself bragging about the gas prices. According to WalletHub’s findings, we can finally back this up with Alabama coming in at 5th for best gas prices.

Another notable achievement is ranking #1 for road quality, meaning our state is well-equipped with smooth surfaces, clear marking and signage and consistent road width.

Traffic tips we all need

Let’s be honest: not all of us are pro drivers. We sometimes like to think we are, but we all could benefit from a little help.

Here are some great traffic and roadside manner tips, according to WalletHub:

  • Buy used vehicles, since cars typically lose 20% of their value in the first year
  • Take advantage of all car insurance discounts (students with good grades, veterans and active military personnel, etc)
  • Consider high deductibles
  • Hybrid cars can be better on gas, mileage and overall functionality

“The best states to drive in are ones that are relatively rural, with smaller populations, a low cost of living, well-maintained roads and safe motorists.”

Chip Lupo, WalletHub analyst

What do you think about traffic in Alabama? What are some useful tips we should know about? Tag us @bamabuzz and let us know!

Jordyn Davis
Jordyn Davis
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