Alabama Water Watch releases updated America’s Amazon Poster—order now

Reading time: 2 minutes

Alabama Water Watch
(Alabama Water Watch / Facebook)

Did you know the state of Alabama is a leader in aquatic biodiversity? To celebrate, Alabama Water Watch (AWW) has released an updated version of their America’s Amazon poster. Here’s a peek at what the new poster includes and how to order your own print or digital copy. 

A look at Alabama’s biodiversity

If you don’t know much about Alabama’s aquatic biodiversity, we can help. According to AWW, Alabama has the highest overall aquatic biodiversity of any state and is the fourth most biodiverse state when terrestrial species are included.

It’s also has the highest biodiversity of any state in five categories of aquatic freshwater critters. They are:

  • Crayfish (97 species)
  • Fish (312 species)
  • Mussels (186 species)
  • Snails (202 species)
  • Turtles (31 species)

AWW’s America’s Amazon poster

America'S Amazon
The latest America’s Amazon poster. (Alabama Water Watch / Facebook)

AWW’s original America’s Amazon and infographic first launched back in 2016. Since then, additional species have been documented in Alabama. Pretty cool, right?

With newly discovered species, an updated America’s Amazon poster was a must. So AWW did just that, releasing a new version earlier this year sponsored by Legacy. The poster now features marine species from the Alabama coast, namely marine turtles and marine fish species with five and 200 species. The best part—it’s available to educators as well as the general public!

How to order your poster

The America’s Amazon poster is available to Alabama educators and the general public. Here is some info to know:

  • Printed Poster Size: 18″ x 24″
  • Cost:
    • Alabama Educators: Printed Poster – $15 each + $10 flat shipping fee | Digital Poster – FREE to download
    • General Public: Printed Poster – $25 + $10 flat shipping fee | Digital Poster – FREE to download

Bonus: Purchase your poster by June 24 and receive a FREE one-year membership to the Alabama Water Watch Association.

Too learn more about Alabama’s biodiversity, check out AWW’s America’s Amazon Reading List

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Patience Itson
Patience Itson
Articles: 229