NEW: Rural King coming to Jasper

🚜 NEW RURAL KING: Jasper, it's coming!
#jasperal #jasperalabama #ruralking
Business stories relevant to the state of Alabama.
🚜 NEW RURAL KING: Jasper, it's coming!
#jasperal #jasperalabama #ruralking
⛽️ REBRANDING: Get ready to see Kent Kwik stores in Alabama. 👇
#alabama #kentkwik #texaco #chevron
🌟 SPECIAL STORY: She was his patient, later worked as his medical assistant + now sends her children to see him 👇
#BhamAL #ChildrensOfAL Buzz Partner
🍗 HOW MANY? Montgomery's getting a new Chick-fil-A—can you guess what number this is in Alabama? 👇
#alabama #chickfila #montgomery #montgomeryal
🚨 NEW IN THE SHOALS: This gallery will be a must-visit. 👇
#theshoals #sheffieldal #alabama #northalabama #muscleshoalsal
🦪 COMING TO CULLMAN: Who's ready? 🙋♀️
#halfshelloysterhouse #cullman #cullmanal
🚧 NEW BUILDING PERMITS: There were a couple of high-dollar permits issued in the state this week...
#construction #buildingpermits #newconstruction
🥕 NEW AT LAKE MARTIN: This spot is going to be a fresh favorite. 👇
#lakemartin #alabama #shoplocal
🍻 CHEERS: Goat Island is doing something new! 👇
#goatislandbrewing #goatisland #cullman #cullmanal
🗣️ FIRST TIME: Learn how this inaugural event + report are helping the future of Alabama's nonprofit sector. 👇
#alabamanonprofits #alabama #nonprofits