Gov. Ivey awards $1.7M to low-income areas in Alabama

🎉 18 Alabama community action organizations were awarded $1.7M in grants.
Read all about it. 👇
#Alabama #lowincome #CM
Business stories relevant to the state of Alabama.
🎉 18 Alabama community action organizations were awarded $1.7M in grants.
Read all about it. 👇
#Alabama #lowincome #CM
✨ NOW OPEN: This historic site is totally revamped. 👇
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😢 CLOSING: We'll miss these two Port City spots.👇
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❗️AUBURN ADDITION: This project is *huge.* 👇
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🫖 NEW IN FLORENCE: This tea rom is magical. ✨
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🚨 2023 IN REVIEW: Let's recap, Alabama. 👇
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🚧 CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: Check out these 15 new high-dollar building permits issued in Alabama this week.
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😍 BOUTIQUE HOTEL: This place has an awesome story. 👇
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