⭐️ The Coca-Cola UNITED Student Internship Program offers hands-on experiences for local students. Check it out!
BuzzPartner #CocaColaUNITED #Birminghamalabama GG
A project that began in 2019 is officially complete, adding several new amenities for drivers and pedestrians in Mobile.
#ALDOT #roadwork #MobileAL ct
🚧 NEW CONSTRUCTION: Check out these new building permits issued across the state!
#alabama #newconstruction #buildingpermits
Auburn-based company Tennibot has launched a new automated training machine for tennis players.
#tennis #auburn #sportstech ct
The Environmental Education Building hopes to expand the Auburn community's understanding of the natural world and serve as a hub for classes, workshops, events, programs + field trips.
#alabamanature #sustainability #eco-friendly #naturecenter ENW
⛽️ Tell us: Who has the best gas station in Alabama?
#ampm #wawa #circlek #bucees
🚂 🧸ALABAMA TOY STORES: If you have a little one, or are a child at heart, we’ve got you covered with 8, must-visit toy stores in Alabama. Get ready to go Christmas shopping!
#alabama #alabamatravel #christmas #birminghamalabama #huntsvillealabama #fairhopealabama #bamabuzz
Opelika City Schools has a new resource to give students a hands-on experience in the Culinary Arts world.
#food #opelika #education ct
Check out the latest renderings of the Saban Center, which is set to open in Tuscaloosa in 2027.
#tuscaloosa #STEM #education ct
🚧 BUILDING PERMITS: 17 new high-dollar building permits were issued this past week in Alabama.
#buildingpermits #newconstruction #leeds