Cahaba lilies are blooming early this year before Mother’s Day

Reading time: 3 minutes

Cahaba lily at the Cahaba River National Wildlife Refuge (David Butler / Cahaba Riverkeeper)

The Cahaba lilies, one of Alabama’s most majestic flowers, are blooming early this year, according to the Cahaba River Society and Cahaba Riverkeeper.

Normally, the lilies appear right about Mother’s Day and disappear near Father’s Day. This year, they started to emerge in late April.

“The lilies have shown up early this year! In fact, over the last few years, they’re starting to pop up earlier and earlier, according to some West Blocton locals. I was just out there on Monday and Wednesday this week and was surprised by the number of clumps blooming away. It’s as gorgeous as ever, so take some time this lily season to head down to the Refuge to see them.” 

Will Rainer, Cahaba River Society

Why the Cahaba lilies matter

The Cahaba lily is an aquatic flowering plant that grows only in Alabama, Georgiaand South Carolina. 

A type of spider lily, the Cahaba lily is noted for its three-inch-wide white flowers. The lily requires swift-flowing water over rocks and lots of sun and is restricted to shoal areas at or above the fall line

There is only a month-long window to see the lilies between May and June, and sometimes when we have heavy rainfalls the lilies are temporarily submerged underwater.

The lily is also the symbol of the Cahaba River, North America’s most biodiverse river of its size.

Where is the best place to see the Cahaba lilies?

Cahaba lily at the Cahaba River National Wildlife Refuge (David Butler / Cahaba Riverkeeper)

The best place to experience the Cahaba lilies is on public land within the Cahaba River National Wildlife Refuge. 

About 40 miles southwest of Birmingham, the National Wildlife Refuge is only six miles from the town of West Blocton, Alabama.

  1. Take I-59 South from Birmingham for about 30 miles to the Hwy 5 West Blocton/Centreville exit (Exit 97).
  2. Hwy 5/Hwy 11 is 4-lane for about 3 miles whereas Hwy 5 turns abruptly south (to the left) as a 2-lane. Watch for this turn!
  3. Travel about 8 miles south on Hwy 5 to a blinking yellow light. Turn left (onto County Road 24) to West Blocton.
  4. Continue straight at the stop sign (passing West Blocton High School and West Blocton Elementary on the right) for 5 miles.
  5. Look for the Refuge sign on the right (not the 1st wooden sign which is a sign for Wildlife Management, but the 2nd sign). Shortly after the sign is a dirt road on the right, River Trace, leading directly into the Refuge.

If you can’t make it down to Bibb County, another patch of lilies can be seen at Cahaba River Park in Helena

Cahaba Lily Festival in West Blocton – Saturday, May 18

If you can’t make it on Mother’s Day weekend, celebrate the lilies at the annual Cahaba Lily Festival on Saturday, May 18th in downtown West Blocton. See presentations on the state of the Cahaba River and the lilies and take a shuttle to the lilies from West Blocton 

For all the details visit:

“The Lily Festival is a great opportunity to do so. West Blocton is also hosting a music festival on the same day, so you can have a day full of fun in Bibb County.”

Will Rainer, Cahaba River Society

Do you have a favorite Cahaba Lily memory? Share it with us on Instagram by tagging at @TheBamaBuzz!

Pat Byington
Pat Byington
Articles: 487