🐔 THE COOLEST CHICKEN FARM: Meet Dr. Charlene Hanlon + learn about how poultry is not all dusty old barns 👇
#BuzzPartner #auburnpoultry #poultryscience
Today is National Voter Registration Day! 🗳️
Check your registration + learn all about the nonpartisan holiday.
#NationalVoterRegistrationDay #vote #alabama ct
Auburn University's Harbert College of Business now allows potential Online MBA canidadates to apply without having to take a standardized test 🎓
BuzzPartner #AuburnUniversity #HarbertCollegeofBusiness #OnlineMBA nw
Auburn’s community is an environment rich with book-lovers and authors alike. We’ve collected a short list of three Auburn authors you won't want to miss out on reading! #auburn #localauthors ENW
‼️STAY HEALTHY—cooler temps are creeping in + it's important to keep your health in check... we've got some ways to help. 😊
BuzzPartner #BlueCrossandBlueShieldofAlabama #backtoschool CM
💡COLLEGE INTERNS: This summer, FuelAL took nearly 60 students on a no-cost trip through Birmingham and Gulf Shores to discover what unique possibilities Alabama has to offer—find out more👇
NowPartner #edpa #feulal #innovatealabama #bham #honda #owaresort GH
😆 COCA-COLA SCHOLARS: Meet a local recipient of this $20,000 scholarship + see how you can apply today!
BuzzPartner #CocaColaUNITED #CocaColaScholars #Birminghamalabama CM
🦸♂️ BATMan DEGREE: Yes, Auburn seriously has a degree named after a superhero. Check out why Jake + Emily decided to study it 👇
BuzzPartner #Batman #auburnuniveristy #agriculture
🐟 👀 As one of the most biodiverse states in the country, Alabama has many fish found nowhere else on Planet Earth.
BuzzPartner #fish #biodiversity #rivers #pb
Alabama State has buried a new time capsule, set to be unsealed in five decades for future students to see what life in 2024 was like.
#alabamastate #timecapsule #hbcu ct