Experience the nostalgia at UG White Mercantile in Athens

Reading time: 2 minutes

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The entrance of UG White (Bess Christopher / The Bama Buzz)

We were recently in Athens and stopped by this old time hardware store in the heart of the square to check out what this historic mercantile shop had to offer.

Keep reading for the full rundown on the iconic UG White Mercantile in Athens.

For over a century

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The view of the store from the upstairs area (Bess Christopher / The Bama Buzz)

Ulysses Grant White started up this mercantile shop in 1917 on the southeast corner of the Athens square. About 20 years, later UG White packed up and moved to North Jefferson street.

When the iconic store first opened its doors, the Athens business was a hardware and implement company.

The White family ran the store from the day it opened up until 2007 when the fourth generation owner sold the business. Even under new ownership, the legacy of the store still runs strong.

The General Store

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The children’s section of the store (Bess Christopher / The Bama Buzz)

UG White offers a variety of goods within the store, many coming from local businesses around the state. There is a wide variety of old fashioned and modern goods.

There is also a coffee shop we’d recommend located right inside the store!

Here’s a list of items you may see in UG White:

  • Provisions
  • Dry goods
  • Gear
  • Children’s toys
  • Old fashioned candy
  • Kitchenware
  • Gifts
  • Chocolates
  • UG White gear

The Southern Table

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The UG White and Southern Table storefront (Bess Christopher/ The Bama Buzz)

Feeling hungry while you shop? Well no worries, located just next door, with an entrance in UG White, is The Southern Table.

This restaurant recently opened up next door to the iconic UG White. This is the perfect place to grab an authentic southern meal while shopping.

The Southern Table

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UG White gear offered in the store (Bess Christopher/ The Bama Buzz)

Have you ever been to UG White in Athens? Let us know on Facebook & Instagram!

Bess Christopher
Bess Christopher
Articles: 41