Foley’s old bakery building getting new life

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A photograph of the old bakery building. (City of Foley)

One of the oldest buildings in the City of Foley is expected to reopen later this year after being closed for nearly two decades.

The building once housed the Foley Bakery which opened in 1925 at the corner of North Alston Street and West Laurel Avenue. Last year, a $443,000 renovation plan was started and soon, a new tenant will move in.

Keep reading to find out when you can expect to see the change + learn more about the history of the building.

Colt Grill BBQ and Spirits

After being closed since 2007, one of Foley’s oldest buildings will reopen later this year as the Colt Grill Barbecue and Spirits restaurant.

“Everyone has wanted to know what is going on in the old bakery building, or if you are a more recent transplant, the Cactus Cafe building. We have been waiting two years for this and for the last year, we have been trying to keep quiet about who is exactly moving in, so it is my pleasure to let the cat out of the bag.”

~ Foley Mayor Ralph Hellmich

Colt Grill has four locations in Arizona. The owners said they chose Foley for the newest location after considering many communities in the region.

The restaurant will specialize in smoked meat barbecue and will also offer entrees such as hamburgers, salads and tacos.

Foley’s historic district

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The old bakery building then and now. (City of Foley)

The building was constructed in 1925 and a bakery operated at the site for many years. After the Cactus Cafe restaurant closed in 2007, city officials said the building was too deteriorated to allow another business to reopen without renovations.

The city bought the building in 2012 to preserve the structure, which is one of the oldest in Foley and a contributing structure to the Foley National Register Historic District. 

The building renovation will also include adding several apartments and a restaurant office on the second floor of the building. The apartments will be provided to employees of the restaurant.

The Colt Grill is one of several businesses that will soon open in downtown Foley. Others announced include:

  • Camellia Dermatology moving into former Fortis College building
  • Milam and Milam law firm moving to East Laurel Avenue
  • Cheeseburger Randy’s opening on Alston Street
  • South Baldwin Social moving into the former Jan’s Art Studio on East Laurel Avenue

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Caleb Turrentine
Caleb Turrentine
Articles: 516