🏈 Roll Tide! AND War Eagle! Both football teams are trending 🚀
#collegefootball #CFB #Rolltide #wareagle #sec
🛳️ ALABAMA OYSTERS: This is a *huge* milestone on the Gulf Coast. 👇
#alabamawildlifefederation #awf #oysters
🫶 NEW LITERACY BUS: See how Tuscaloosa is transforming an old bus to encourage reading + community. 🚌
#tuscaloosa #tuscaloosaal #alabama #reading
📚 NEW BOOKSTORE + COFFEE SHOP: Florence is going to love this spot. 👇
#florenceal #downtownflorence #alabama
🐶 PET OWNERS: These Alabama temps can be dangerous for your pals. Here's what you need to know. 👇
#alabama #petsafety
🏆 COLLEGE RANKINGS: See which Alabama schools made The Princeton Review's list.👇
#princetonreview #wareagle #rolltide #alabama
🌮 FIRST ALABAMA LOCATION: Tijuana Flats is finally coming.👇
#tijuanaflats #tacos #alabama #mobileal
💦 FAIRHOPE WATER EMERGENCY: Here's what's happening.👇
#fairhope #fairhopeal #alabama
🎉 FUNFAIR IN FLORENCE: This new opening is so 👏 much 👏 fun. 👏
#florenceal #funfair #alabama
🚨 NEW IMPROVEMENTS: Gulf Shores is getting more walkable. 👇
#gulfshores #alabama #gulfcoast