“Going Solar” Toolkit: Want to power your home, business or school with the sun? Here’s how.

Reading time: 1 minute


Solar Housing Authority Of Birmingham District
Solar power system on top of the roof at the Housing Authority of Birmingham District (Eagle Solar & Light)

Alabama and South Carolina are much alike. 

We both have large auto plants, airplane manufacturers and grow a lot of cotton and peaches. Our populations are almost the same size, with a little over 5 million people. But there is one big difference between the states: solar power.

According to the annual Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) Solar State by State Report, Alabama has 235 solar installations across the state, employing 716 people. 

South Carolina? A whopping 33,104 solar installations and 3,393 solar-related jobs. 

Alabama is way behind our neighboring states in the South when it comes to solar power. 

We can change that. 

In this third and final story on solar power in Alabama, we provide a “toolkit” on how to install a solar energy system at your home, business, church, school or community.

Read the full story here.

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Pat Byington
Pat Byington
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