Nearly $10M price approved for expansion + renovation of Tuscaloosa Tennis Center

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Tusc Tennis Center 6 E1726679414782 Tuscaloosa
A rendering of the new entry way to the tennis center. (City of Tuscaloosa)

The Tuscaloosa Tennis Center is about to get a major expansion along with some much-needed renovations.

During the Tuscaloosa Projects Committee Meeting from Sept. 17, the city authorized a $9.97 million construction bid from the Hall-Taylor Construction group. This project is expected to take about a year to complete and the city hopes it will provide better facilities for resident tennis players but also provide a spot for regional tournaments to be played.

Keep reading to find out more about the expansion + the tennis center’s future plans.

17 new courts

Tusc Tennis Center Tuscaloosa
The expansion will add 17 new courts. (City of Tuscaloosa)

A big part of the project will be adding more courts to the center, nearly tripling the total number of tennis courts for the city to use. Here’s what is involved with the project:

  • 17 new courts (27 total)
  • New concession/bathroom building
  • New maintenance/bathroom building
  • New entry way

The expansion will go alongside Jaycee Park and the Alberta Skatepark. The city also has plans to upgrade the walking trails at the park.

Tuscaloosa mayor Walt Maddox attended the meeting and spoke highly of the project and the work done by the city’s Parks and Recreation Authority.

The future of the Tennis Center

Mike Goldammer, the Director of Tennis at Tuscaloosa Tennis Center, was also at the meeting and spoke about how this expansion could impact the future of the sport in the area.

When Goldammer first joined the team in 2018, he said the center had maybe 80 members but it now has more than 400. He believes this expansion could double that number.

“I have a lot of irons in the fire. I’m just ready to see this thing start and know that in 2026, we’re going to be ready to roll. We’re going to keep this thing hopping. Our membership has been very anxious to hear what’s going on.”

~ Mike Goldammer, Director of Tennis at Tuscaloosa Tennis Center

The Tennis Center is hoping to bring in several regional tournaments after the expansion and have already had conversations with the University of Alabama for a partnership as well.

The goal is to have enough courts to host a tournament while still having spare courts for members and visitors to play on.

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Caleb Turrentine
Caleb Turrentine
Articles: 514