Reviewed by: Nathan Watson
NEW: City of Prattville purchases ice skating rink
Reading time: 2 minutes

The City of Prattville will have a fan-favorite wintertime activity to enjoy this season, a new ice skating rink! According to Alabama News Network, the City has approved the purchase of a new ice skating rink for the holiday season. Read on to glide through the details.
Right on time for the holidays
Just because we rarely get snow here in Alabama doesn’t mean we have to miss out on wintertime fun. In a move that will likely bring the community together during the holidays, Prattville approved the purchase of the new ice rink during a city council meeting on Wednesday, September 21.
While we don’t have a lot of details surrounding the purchase, last year Prattville had a similar ice rink experience on the bank of Autauga Creek by the Christmas tree at Heritage Park.
This time, the fun holiday activity is becoming a permanent fixture in the city.
Where will it be?
According to Alabama News Network, the ice skating rink will be set up in downtown Prattville along South Court Street.
The skating rink is expected to open on December 1 and will be similar to last year’s experience, at $5 per person for 30 minutes of skate time. The rink will be open for the whole month of December.
Whether you glide across the ice like a pro or look more like a baby deer learning how to walk, this will be a fun holiday experience for all.
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