Orcas reportedly spotted in Gulf of Mexico [VIDEO]

Reading time: 2 minutes

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Orca calf and Mother” by alumroot is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

A fishing expedition in the Gulf Coast reportedly turned into an unexpected whale watching tour for one boating crew out of Destin.

According to a social media post from Charter Boat Lady Em, people on the boat were treated with a rare sighting of orcas in the DeSoto Canyon. Keep reading to see the video from the boat + learn more about why what they saw is so unique.

Killer whales

This is not the first documented sighting of an orca in the Gulf of Mexico but it does not happen very often. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, there was an estimated 267 killer whales living in the Gulf of Mexico as of 2021.

These whales typically live in colder waters. But when they do get close enough, they can be easily spotted due to their black and white pattern. The whites around the eyes can be the giveaway.

That’s how the Charter Boat Lady Em identified them. Near the end of the video, you may get the best look at the face which appears to have the recognizable white spot.

Have you ever seen an orca? Let us know by tagging The Bama Buzz on InstagramXFacebook + LinkedIn!

Caleb Turrentine
Caleb Turrentine
Articles: 498