Over 9k jobs open now in Mobile – plus job fairs to check out

Mobile 28 Scaled E1689766958870
Downtown Mobile in all its glory. (Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

Looking for a job in Mobile? According to Indeed.com, there are over 9k jobs available in the Mobile area, and one of them may be the perfect fit for you! Keep reading to find out more about these open positions and which companies are hiring.

Unemployment rate in Mobile

Homeward bound. (Nathan Watson / The Bama Buzz)

According to the Alabama Department of Labor Market Information Division, Mobile had an unemployment rate of 3.5% in June, which is down 0.7% from last year! Mobile reached its record high unemployment rate in 2020 at 16.3% and its record low rate in 2023 at 2.1%.

Here are the 10 employers in Mobile with the most job openings

Downtown Mobile
Royal Street beauty. (Pat Byington / The Bama Buzz)

The job opportunities are endless. According to Indeed.com, these are the 10 employers in Mobile with the most job openings:

  1. USA Health (289)
  2. Infirmary Health (285)
  3. Dollar General (263)
  4. Mobile County Public School System (160)
  5. McDonald’s (123)
  6. AltaPointe Health (114)
  7. Winn-Dixie (114)
  8. Mobile County Personnel, City of Mobile (97)
  9. Circle K (94)
  10. Autozone (84)

Other companies hiring in Mobile include:

Job fairs and hiring events

Mobile 5
The Steeple on St. Francis. (Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

There are over 10 virtual job fairs happening in Mobile from the end of July to the end of August, according to Jobfairx.com. Representing industries from healthcare to technology, these virtual job fairs are a great way to see what opportunities are available in Mobile.

In addition, students at The University of South Alabama are invited to attend the On-Campus & Part-Time Job Fair.

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Elizabeth Winsor
Elizabeth Winsor
Articles: 25