Selma to Montgomery March Campsites listed on “America’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places”
Reading time: 2 minutes

Each year, the National Trust for Historic Preservation publishes their “America’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places” in order to highlight, “important examples of our nation’s heritage that are at risk of destruction or irreparable damage“. This year, the national list includes several of Alabama’s most historically significant sites from the 1965 Selma to Montgomery marches is at risk. Here’s everything you need to know + how you can help.
The Selma to Montgomery March Camp Sites

In March 1965, Civil Rights demonstrators planned three marches along the 54-mile route from Selma to Montgomery as part of the wider campaign for full voting rights for African-Americans in the United States. Along the route, famous Civil Rights figures such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, Coretta Scott King and Congressman John Lewis joined the crowd and risked their lives in support of the movement.
Since 54 miles is quite the journey (more than two full marathons!), three African-American farmers along the route offered to house the marchers overnight.
Marchers on U.S. Highway 80 during the Selma to Montgomery March. Marchers at the David Hall farm in Dallas County, Alabama, location of the first campsite used by participants in the Selma to Montgomery March. Marchers on U.S. Highway 80 in either Dallas or Lowndes County during the Selma to Montgomery March.
56 years later, several of those farms are still owned by the same families. However, their significance to the march is often understated, and many of the farms are in desperate need of repair.
Want to learn more about how you can help preserve these properties + expand their presence in the story of the Selma to Montgomery march? Click here to read more about the sites and add your name to the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s list of supporters. In addition, you can donate online to help support the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s work throughout Alabama and beyond.