“Tons” of Alabama Shakespeare Festival costumes on sale at Goodwill in Montgomery for limited time

Reading time: 2 minutes

Fab finds for amazing costumes. (Caroline James)

Seeking the DIY costume of your dreams? The Alabama Shakespeare Festival (ASF) has donated tons—and we mean TONS—of costumes from former plays to Goodwill Industries of Central Alabama in Montgomery. Available now to Sunday, October 16, read on for which locations to shop and a peek at what you’ll find. 

ASF’s donations

According to Goodwill Industries of Central Alabama, Inc.’s Facebook page, Alabama Shakespeare Festival made the costume donation a few months back, but they’d been waiting until the perfect time to reveal the news. As a costume-loving, DIYer, the announcement sure grabbed my attention!

Don’t know much about the ASF? As a former Montgomery dweller, I can tell you that it’s easily one of the most beautiful performing arts center in Alabama.

ASF was designated as the State Theatre of Alabama in 1977 and grew into a stunning $21.5M performing arts complex in Montgomery.

Despite its name, ASF produces more than just Shakespeare. It also produces classics, contemporary plays, musicals, theatre for young audiences and more. It also provides education programs to over one million students each year.

With countless theater productions, it’s no wonder ASF has an amazing costume room with countless items to donate.

What’s up for grabs?

Racks upon racks of costumes? Talk about every Halloween lover’s dream come true! From Can Can skirts to 1920s-style jackets and more, the options are endless—especially if you tap your creative side. 

Of course, Halloween’s not the only reason to shop ASF’s donations at your local Goodwill. There are also yearly cosplay events, themed costume parties, theater productions big and small and many more occasions where costumes are essential. 

When + where to shop

ASF’s donations are available now until Sunday, October 16 at Goodwill’s Airbase location in Montgomery.

Address: 900 Air Base Blvd, Montgomery, AL 36108.
Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30AM-4:45PM | Saturday 8:30AM-4:45PM

Any items still left on Monday, October 17 will be dispersed among 10 other Goodwill retail locations

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Patience Itson
Patience Itson
Articles: 228