Sneezing your way through the state

Reading time: 3 minutes

Spring brings flowers and plenty of pollen. (The Bama Buzz)

Spring may have started with a freeze warning in some areas of Alabama but that didn’t stop the pollen from showing up right on time.

According to, the entire state is in the medium-high to high range of pollen count. And Alabama is not alone as most of the South is dealing with the same thing.

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Allergy Index Map for March 20, 2024 ( allows you to get forecasts for different areas around the state. Here are some of the most pollen-covered areas around the state this week based on allergy index scores:

  • Birmingham: 10.8
  • Arab: 10.6
  • Anniston: 10.4
  • Opelika: 10.1
  • Montgomery: 9.9

Birmingham reached as high of a number as 11.4 (!!!) earlier this month. Alamosa, Colorado had the worst count Wednesday, coming in at a 10.8.

Make sure to stay on top of cleaning your patio furniture to avoid pollen piling up like this! (The Bama Buzz)

Where Birmingham ranks in the country

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America released its rankings of the 100 most populated cities in the country. The list of the 2024 Allergy Capitals is based on pollen scores for tree, grass, and weed pollen, over-the-counter medication use, and number of allergy specialists in the city.

Birmingham ranks #63 on the list but is shown to have below average medicine usage. AAFA says Birmingham’s total pollen county is around the average level.

The top five Allergy Capitals are:

  • Wichita, Kansas
  • Virginia Beach, Virginia
  • Greenville, South Carolina
  • Dallas, Texas
  • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Spring may bring more flowers but you’ll likely be needing more tissues and even some allergy medicine along the way! (The Bama Buzz)

“Climate change is leading to longer and more intense allergy seasons. Trees are releasing pollen earlier in the year. Research shows pollen seasons now start 20 days earlier, and last 10 days longer, compared to 30 years ago.”

~ AFAA cited in its Allergy Capitals report

Fighting back against pollen

The AAFA gives some advice for people wanting to get out and about during the spring season. They say to try to keep an eye on the pollen forecast and try to schedule outdoor activities for low-pollen count days.

When you are outside, wearing sunglasses, hats and even masks can reduce the impact of the pollen.

The group also gave tips for how to keep pollen from following you back into your home:

  • Remove your shoes before entering your home
  • Change and wash clothes after outdoor activities
  • Wipe furry animals off when they come inside or bathe them weekly
  • Shower before bed to keep pollen out of your bedding
  • Keep windows closed during pollen season or peak pollen times (usually midday)
Outside Dog
Making sure your pets are cleaned regularly can help keep pollen from following you inside! (The Bama Buzz)

What solutions do you have to deal with pollen during the spring? Let us know on The Bama Buzz FacebookLinkedInTwitter, + Instagram!

Caleb Turrentine
Caleb Turrentine
Articles: 463