Million Dollar Band to march in the Rose Parade—for the first time?

🎺 ROSE PARADE: Two Alabama bands will appear in the parade. 👇
#milliondollarband #universityofalabama #uofa #roseparade
🎺 ROSE PARADE: Two Alabama bands will appear in the parade. 👇
#milliondollarband #universityofalabama #uofa #roseparade
🏈 TOP RECRUITS! Both Alabama and Auburn landed top 10 recruiting classes yesterday!
#alabamafootball #earlysigningday2024 #auburnfootball #wareagle
⛳️ OPENING SOON: Popstroke is almost here, Alabama. 👇
#tuscaloosaal #alabama #popstroke
💰ROSE BOWL BILL: In case you're curious...👇
#rosebowl2024 #alabamafootball #crimsontide #rosebowl
🏈 2024 SCHEDULES: Big games are coming next season. 👇
#alabama #auburn #crimsontide #wareagle #rolltide #auburnfootball #alabamafootball
🏐 COMING SOON: Alabama Gulf Coast Sports Center will be so much more than a sports facility.👇
#alabama #gulfcoast #gulfshores
Impressive list includes the Tide's David Palmer, UAB Basketball Coach Mike Anderson, UA's Penny Hauschild Buxton, two-time All-Around All-American gymnast and 5 more greats.
#alabamasports #rolltide #winasone #gymnastics
FUN FACT: South Alabama owns one of the biggest upsets in 2023 defeating Oklahoma State - the Big 12 Conf. runner-up
#68venturesbowl #mobileal #visitmobile
⛳️ COMING SOON: This spot is going to be a fun addition to Florence. 👇
#florence #florenceal #theshoals #alabama
🌹 ROSE BOWL BOUND! Alabama will return to the Rose Bowl where the Tide has a rich and storied history.
#alabamafootball #rosebowl #CFP