This breast cancer survivor has big stories to tell

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Jennifer Strickland, Forge Breast Cancer Survivor Center
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Jennifer Strickland (Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

Born in California, Jennifer (Jenn) Strickland considers herself “southern by luck.”

She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2022, and thanks to Forge Breast Cancer Survivor Center, she can now inspire others through her journey.

Keep scrolling to learn about Jenn’s empowering survivor story.

Meet Jennifer Strickland

Jennifer Strickland, Forge Breast Cancer Survivor Center Used For Bcbsal
Jenn was a model in the HAUTE Pink fashion show at Red Mountain Theatre in Birmingham. (Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

Jenn graduated from the University of Montevallo with degrees in Accounting and Photography. She and her husband have been married for 28 years and live in Alabaster with their three cats and chihuahua.

She enjoys solving problems in her career as a Mortgage Lender, investing in her photography business and catching a local improv show in her free time.

She’s one of the coolest people I’ve ever met—and the hot pink streaks in her hair are just the surface.

Jenn’s journey

Jennifer Strickland, Forge Breast Cancer Survivor Center Used For Bcbsal
(Jennifer Strickland)

Since her diagnosis in 2022, Jenn has used her personal journey to educate and encourage others.

“On April 6, 2022, I had a mammogram. As I was walking out, I noticed an area that hurt more than I thought it should. Even though the results said it was normal, I just felt something there.

On June 1, I went back and there was a golfball-sized tumor. I started my treatment on June 13.”

Jennifer Strickland

After six months of chemotherapy, the golfball-sized tumor was completely gone. Jenn has been in remission ever since.

Now, through her platform “Jenn’s Faulty Boob Journey” on Facebook, she is educating and empowering individuals going through similar experiences.

Finding Forge

Jennifer Strickland, Forge Breast Cancer Survivor Center
Jenn and her cancer twin, Donna Brooks. (Jennifer Strickland)

In the midst of her treatment, Jenn found Forge Breast Cancer Survivor Center.

As a peer volunteer with the organization, Jenn was connected with her “cancer twin” Donna! They’re the same age and had the same diagnosis—double-positive breast cancer.

It’s resources like this, provided by Forge, that offer hope in times of fear and if nothing else—a shoulder to cry on.

Forge Breast Cancer Survivor Center

Used For Bcbs—Forge Breast Cancer Survivor Center
For all individuals impacted by breast cancer. (Forge Breast Cancer Survivor Center)

Forge Breast Cancer Survivor Center strives to improve the quality of life and health outcomes for breast cancer patient survivors and their caregivers.

“We exist to provide wraparound supportive services for anyone who’s been impacted by breast cancer, whether it was their own diagnosis or loved ones.”

Meg Lovett, VP Communications & Development, Forge Breast Cancer Survivor Center

DYK that 99% of breast cancer diagnoses are in women? Forge found that since women tend to be the caregivers in their families, those who love them also struggle.

For this reason, Forge offers counseling services for not only patients and survivors, but for their families and loved ones.

Empowering breast cancer patients, survivors + families

Jennifer Strickland, Forge Breast Cancer Survivor Center Used For Bcbsal
Forge is for patients and survivors, for life. (Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

Aside from on-site counseling, Forge offers support groups across the state.

There are groups for:

  • Co-survivors (loved ones)
  • Metastatic stage IV breast cancer patients
  • Spanish speakers
  • Young breast cancer survivors
  • And more

It’s no secret that receiving a cancer diagnosis is daunting.

Knowing this, Forge stands as a pillar of hope for those affected by breast cancer—taking as many things off their plates as they can.

The organization also offers:

  • A hardship fund to help with rent, utility bills, child care, etc.
  • Free wigs
  • Gas + grocery cards
  • Mastectomy bra fittings

“We want to empower people to be their own advocate and understand their diagnosis so they’re making the best treatment decisions for themselves.”

Meg Lovett, VP Communications & Development, Forge Breast Cancer Survivor Center

Learn more about Forge and how you can support individuals like Jenn who have been affected by breast cancer.

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