This Fairhope coffee shop isn’t worried about a new Starbucks

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The sky plane’s message reads “David > Goliath.” (William Hanes)

Residents on the Eastern Shore of Mobile Bay were a little surprised over the weekend when a banner plane soared overhead reading “David > Goliath.”

Turns out, the plane was a local business owner taking a stand. Provision is a Fairhope wine market and coffee bar; one that is now in competition with the biggest coffee giant in the world—something that, frankly, doesn’t scare them.

I sat down with William Hanes, owner of Provision, to discuss his mission to “take on the giant.”

Taking a battle over “grounds” to the skies

The video shows a skyplane flying over Fairhope. (William Hanes)

For decades, the City of Fairhope has clipped along happily without a Starbucks. In fact, it could be argued that the lack of Starbucks created room on the market for shops like Provision (and its sister drive-thru location, Provision on the Fly) to prosper.

So, when the city’s first-ever Starbucks opened their doors earlier this fall, William Haynes and his wife, Elisabeth, got the same question all the time:

“It really came about from people asking me every day what I thought about Starbucks coming to town. And it sometimes felt as if people were expecting me to cower in fear over the thought of it. And so I started wondering how we could flip the script and show that we’re a substantial player and not afraid, and also to have some fun with it.”

William Hanes, owner of Provision

And that, my friends, is how a plane ended up soaring over Fairhope reading “David > Goliath.” So far, the plane’s circled overhead twice—but the buck doesn’t stop there.

Just today, October 2, the Hanes’ debuted two new billboards displaying the same message. This time with the addition of the Provision logo.

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New billboards show the David > Goliath messaging. (William Hanes)

In addition to the messaging on land and in the sky—Provision’s drink cups now contain the same motif. William says even more is coming, but kept details under lock.

What we do know is a promotional video on their social media says you can get a FREE drink if you bring in a receipt from the new Starbucks location. All they ask is you compare the experience (and flavor) on social media.

About Provision + Provision on the Fly

Provision 3 Alabama, Coffee, Eastern Shore
At the Provision Market in downtown Fairhope. (Liv George / The Bama Buzz)

The Hanes’ opened up shop in May of 2020. Despite the uncertain landscape for social gatherings at the time, the business is flourishing on the Eastern Shore. It’s the kind of shop every woman I know says she wants to own—it’s a coffee shop with a wine bar, a great food menu and a huge selection of gifts.

For those who are just here for the coffee, Provision on the Fly is a standalone drive-thru along Highway 98 filling all your caffeine needs.

Here’s everything you need to know to visit yourself:


Provision on the Fly

What’s your go-to order at Provision? Let us know on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.

Liv George
Liv George

A Georgia native soaking up the sun on the Gulf Coast. Lover of Mardi Gras, beach days, and historical sites.

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