Reviewed by: Pat Byington
Tuskegee gets $43M glove manufacturing operation, 292 new jobs
Trendco USA, a personal protection equipment (PPE) manufacturer, is committed to producing their products on American soil. On Wednesday, August 9, Governor Kay Ivey announced that they’ve chosen Tuskegee, Alabama, as home to one of their newest medical glove operations. Keep reading to find out the impact this will have on Macon County.
A $43M glove manufacturing operation in Tuskegee
With this expansion, Trendco USA will invest $43 million in Tuskegee, which is located in Macon County, Alabama. The new operation will produce medical nitrile gloves, bringing 292 jobs to the community over five years.
Tuskegee wasn’t Trendco’s only option, but it was the best.
“After considering many locations in other states, Trendco decided to locate its manufacturing facility in Tuskegee, and I am confident the company made the right choice for its investment project.”
Governor Kay Ivey (Office of the Governor)
Eventually, Trendco plans to also produce more PPE at the site, including masks and gowns.
A “Made in Tuskegee” label
According to the Office of the Governor, this new operation will be part of the new Regional East Alabama Logistics (REAL) Park off Interstate 85 in Macon County, where Trendco has signed an agreement to lease over 100,000 square feet of space.
“They [Trendco] are making a significant commitment to Macon County and the state of Alabama to bring many new jobs to the community — we feel this is an incredible start to the overall economic impact REAL Park will have in the region.”
Justin Patwin, a principal at Farpoint Development (Office of the Governor)
But why did Trendco choose Tuskegee? Joe Turnham, director of the Macon County Economic Development Authority, explained that the completed Class A industrial facility in REAL Park and an experienced development team willing to customize it to Trendco’s needs were two important reasons.
But those aren’t the only reasons.
“Trendco USA also chose our community, in part because of our community’s rich history and our local stakeholders’ spirit of enthusiastic partnership in assuring their company’s success.
Trendco USA is the only minority-owned medical glove and PPE manufacturer in America and is one of the few companies offering ‘Made in the USA’ medical glove products.
Now, these gloves will also carry a ‘Made in Tuskegee’ label.”
Joe Turnham, director of the Macon County Economic Development Authority (Office of the Governor)
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