WATCH NOW: Baby Osprey at Wolf Bay in Baldwin County is about to take flight!

Reading time: 3 minutes

Alabama Coastal Foundation’s Osprey Cam on August 9, 2021. Photo via Pat Byington

According to our good friends at the Alabama Coastal Foundation, (ACF) one of the two baby ospreys from their Osprey Cam at Wolf Bay in Baldwin County has fledged! The 2nd baby is currently on the edge of the nest contemplating whether to take flight today.

Here is the latest from ACF’s Executive Director Mark Berte:

“ No matter where you are, you can witness the grand finale taking place now in nature: The Alabama Coastal Foundation’s first baby osprey in the Wolf Bay nest has officially fledged and the second one is just about to take its first flight! Please watch (and share the link with others) the live video feed that we provide free to the public with the City of Orange Beach and The Nature Conservancy. Just point your computer or phone to our secure home page and click on the “Osprey Nest Live Feed” link:

As Mark said, the first baby osprey left the nest early this morning. For the next few hours you can “rewind” the broadcast and watch the YouTube broadcast of the first bird taking flight.

Tweet from the Alabama Coastal Foundation

When you watch the video – as of 12:30pm – August 9th,  the second and last baby waiting to make it leap of faith.

Where Are the Parents?

The baby osprey’s parents —Jo and Bert left to migrate recently. From the Baldwin County area ospreys have been known to migrate as far north as Tennessee and south to Miami. 

The Alabama Coastal Foundation Osprey Cam has captured over 25 ospreys  fledging over the years.  

Want to Learn More?

Acf Osprey
Alabama Coastal Foundation’s Osprey Cam on August 9, 2021. Photo via Pat Byington

From the ACF… Osprey are often referred to as the Sea Hawk and are one of about 243 bird species that call the Gulf of Mexico home. They are an important indicator species as they rely almost exclusively on fish for food and nest in high locations, both of which require stable habitats. If the fisheries and marshlands that provide the food source suffer, these unique raptors would not be able to survive in our areas any longer. 

The Alabama Coastal Foundation offers lesson plans about this majestic bird – Check it out — HERE.

What if You miss It?

Remember, rewind the video. The 2nd baby is contemplating his flight.

Pat Byington
Pat Byington
Articles: 482