4 notable trailblazers inducted into the Florence Walk of Honor
Reading time: 3 minutes

Annually, the City of Florence accepts nominees to be inducted into the Walk of Honor, which is located at River Heritage Park. The individuals who are inducted are gifted a plaque that signifies their achievements, and it sits right within the beautiful park. Below, we’ve got all the details on four notable trailblazers that were recently inducted due to their significant accomplishments.
The Walk of Honor

The Walk of Honor proudly recognizes current or former Florence and Lauderdale County individuals who have made a noteworthy mark either nationally or internationally. The city has been recognizing these prestigious individuals since 2007 with a list of 16 inductees to start. In 2008, their plaques were placed into the newly established park, and to no surprise, many more inductees have been added each year. Here are just some of the categories in which the individual can achieve their accomplishments in:
- Agriculture
- Art
- Business/Education
- Medical
- Music
- Science/Technology
So, who are the 4 Trailblazers?

Florence City recently congratulated and named these four Lauderdale County natives that will be inducted into the Walk of Honor:
- Robert E. “Bob” Bruninga, inventor of the Automatic Packet Reporting System for amateur radio.
- Mary Alice Hall, first Navy nurse since World War II to receive the Distinguished Service Medal.
- The late Jesse Clopton James, astronomer, whom notably studied Venus, Mars and the Sun
- The late Reeder Glenn Nichols, radio engineer for the 1934 England-to-Australia airplane race
Even though the new members received honors in their own different categories, they all had something special in common: the ability to further innovation for the future, to be a service toward others and to do something different that sets them apart from the crowd.
The City of Florence congratulates these new four inductees that have made an impact beyond the community as we celebrate their well-deserved spot in the Florence Walk of Honor.
Know someone who deserves a spot on the Walk of Honor? Here’s how to nominate them:
- Complete and sign the nomination form.
- Visit the Mayor’s Office and receive a hard copy. Location: 102 South Court Street — Suite 200, Florence, AL
- Contact the Mayor’s office to request all info be sent through the mail. Call: (256) 760-6400
Who would you like to see nominated next year? Fill out the nomination form AND let us know @thebamabuzz!