5 Alabama State Parks under fire warnings due to dry conditions
Reading time: 2 minutes

We know you want to enjoy those last bits of Summer sun here in Alabama, but be cautious, fellow outdoor explorers- if you plan to visit any of these five Alabama State Parks south of Mongomery, you will need to take some precautions.
Labor Day State Park Advisory
Ahead of Labor Day weekend, the Alabama State Parks alerted the public about potential fire risks in five state parks in Alabama. Visitors and campers visiting these parks should take serious precautions while we endure this arid weather.
In regards to visitors partaking in things like campfires and grilling, these are the following parks that the State Parks are asking to take additional safety measures.
- Gulf State Park
- Meaher State Park
- Bladon Springs State Park
- Roland Cooper State Park
- Frank Jackson State Park
Map of the 5 State Parks With Fire Precautions
“As park guests plan for the upcoming Labor Day holiday, we ask that they keep the recent hot conditions in mind when it comes to campfires and grilling”
Greg Lein, Director of ADCNR State Parks Division

Additional Fire Warnings
Some other things to be wary of if you are visiting these parks are the following:
- No campfires outside the designated areas
- No barbecue or gas-fueled grills outside the designated areas.
- Do not use barbecue grills or gas stoves in areas that could possibly damage picnic tables.
- Place barbeque grills at least 15 feet away from any flammable material
- Do not leave any grill unattended
- Make sure to COMPLETELY extinguish any and all burning fuel once you are done with it.
Greg Lein, Director of ADCNR State Parks Division
“We encourage park visitors and overnight guests to be very cautious with campfires and grills during this period until we get some much-needed rain and the temperatures moderate.”
Have A Safe Va-cay!
If you have any questions, you can go to www.alapark.com or contact the main offices of each individual park.
So, Bama Buzz readers, be cautious with your plans this upcoming Labor Day weekend and try and stray away from those dry conditions. With this weather maybe it would be best to just keep it cool.