5 electric vehicle showcases around Alabama you can check out this month

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EV showcase events allow anyone to talk 1-on-1 with electric vehicle owners and check out a variety of electric vehicles on display. (Drive Electric Alabama)

Have you ever wondered how often electric vehicle owners charge their cars? Or if it actually saves money on gas? All your questions and more can be answered at one of Drive Electric Alabama’s five statewide EV (electric vehicle) showcases this month.

Keep reading to learn more about upcoming EV showcases and where to find them.

About Drive Electric Alabama

Drive Electric Alabama is a statewide EV education and awareness campaign by the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA). Each of the five events will feature electric vehicle owners showcasing their car and chatting with anyone who wants to know more.

“These EV showcases provide a great opportunity for Alabamians interested in EVs to kick the tires, see firsthand the technology featured in these vehicles, and ask EV owners about their experiences with this new generation of vehicles. It’s amazing how far automobiles have come in my lifetime, and it’s significant that, as one of the nation’s top auto manufacturers, many of these advancements are being made right here in Alabama. Most folks on the road have probably noticed that EVs are quickly emerging as a major player in the auto industry, and these events allow Alabamians to learn more about EVs.”

ADECA Director Kenneth Boswell

Virtually every major automobile manufacturer has begun building electric vehicles, including Mercedes-Benz and Hyundai, right here in Alabama. As EVs become more common on the road, many people are questioning whether it’s worth it for them to make the switch from gas to electric.

“Anyone who is considering an EV for their next car purchase, or just wants to learn more about EVs in general, should attend one of the events this month,” 

 Michael Staley, President of the Alabama Clean Fuels Coalition

Upcoming events

Here’s a look at the five upcoming showcases taking place in the month of April:

  • Wiregrass Drive Electric Alabama Earth Day EVent
    • When: Saturday, April 15, 8AM-12PM
    • Where: Johnny Henderson Park in Enterprise in conjunction with the Weevil City Cruisers’ 26th Annual Car Show
  • Montgomery Area Drive Electric Alabama Earth Day EVent
    • When: Saturday, April 15, 10AM-2PM
    • Where: Central Alabama Electric Cooperative, 103 Samuel Hunt Drive, Prattville
  • Birmingham Area Drive Electric Alabama Earth Day EVent
    • When: Saturday, April 22, 8 a.m.-noon
    • Where: The Market at Pepper Place, in parking lot near Bettola Restaurant and Jeni’s Ice Cream
  • North Alabama Drive Electric Alabama Earth Day EVent
    • When: Saturday, April 22, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
    • Where: Little River Canyon Center, 4322 Little River Canyon Rim Parkway, Fort Payne
  • Bay Area Drive Electric Alabama Earth Day EVent
    • When: Saturday, April 22, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
    • Where: Mobile Japanese Gardens, 700 Forest Hill Drive, Mobile

All five events in Alabama are part of the national Drive Electric Earth Day program, designed to educate people who are considering buying an electric vehicle about their environmental and economic impact.

For a full list of events, information and more, click the link here.

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Grace Howard
Grace Howard
Articles: 66