Auburn-based film company tells new side of African American history
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Troy University graduate, Theo Moore II, is making waves in the film world with his representation of African American history like it’s never been seen before. His nonprofit, Hiztorical Vision Productions, focuses on everyday stories that make up the history of African Americans in the South and aims to produce inspiring narratives that would otherwise go unnoticed by society.
The Man Behind the Project

Theo is an Alabama native from Anniston, Alabama who later attended college at Troy University. According to their website, It was there that he discovered his passion for history, specifically that of local African Americans.
While earning his bachelors in history and then a masters in post-secondary history education, Theo thought he wanted to become an author. Publishing research from his graduate work was the original plan, but that quickly changed as he thought about whom he really wanted to reach.
What meant the most to Theo was spreading his historical knowledge to audiences in diverse backgrounds and low poverty areas. As a previous history teacher in the Alabama School System, he knew the power of media in the lives of young people and decided to put his researched stories into short films.
From this, Hiztorical Vision Productions was born.
The Hiztorical Vision Mission

When studying our high school history books, there’s a lot we aren’t told. We read about major events and prominent leaders, but what really makes up most of history is the everyday people making big changes in their community.
The area of African American history is one such genre that this happens to. We know of Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks, and we’ve heard the stories of tragedy and pain, but where are the local stories, the success stories?
Hiztorical Vision Productions brings these stories to the forefront—ones of unseen local people making huge impacts in their community and history. They make history accessible and interesting by including personal interviews and original stories that have never been shared to audiences before.
What’s Hiztorical Vision Productions hope for these films? To educate and inspire the community by showing untold stories and enlightening viewers on an untapped vein of history.
Stories Being Told

The production company’s most recent short film, Afrikan by way of American, tells the story of Africatown—a community in Mobile formed by the descendants of slaves aboard America’s last slave ship, Clotilda.
For the documentary, Theo and his crew spent three months with the Mobile community before even beginning filming, according to Troy Today. It was important to him to become a part of the people, and let them know he was there for them in a capacity more than just a filmmaker.
The documentary contains interviews with current residents of the town as well as historians and descendants of the original citizens.
Another short film, Hobson City, tells the tale of Alabama’s first city to be entirely governed by African Americans. Hiztorical Vision Productions regales this city’s inspiring story through the decades from 1899 to present day.
To learn more about Hiztorical Vision Productions and see their latest work head to their website or follow them on Facebook and Instagram.