Tennessee native who fell in love with Birmingham during college. Graduated from Birmingham-Southern College in 2019. Passionate about Birmingham and its continued growth.

New, $40M Huntsville Amphitheater set to open in 2022, seat 8,000+

7 famous artists who have recorded in Alabama, including The Rolling Stones
4 new million-dollar construction permits approved in Alabama, February 22nd

5 exciting inventions by Alabamians, including the Super Soaker

20 new million-dollar construction permits approved in Alabama, February 15th

B’ham company breaks ground on $14M facility at Huntsville International Airport

Alabama Startups present at Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2021 + other tech news

ALDI breaks ground on $100M distribution hub & regional HQ in Loxley

How a mahogany bar from the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair ended up in Alabama’s oldest saloon

Alabama’s auto industry is booming. State expects 6000+ new jobs in 2021