Crispitos are back in Alabama school lunchrooms

Reading time: 2 minutes

Jefferson County
Crispitos. (Jefferson County Schools Child Nutrition Program)

Crispitos are back!

According to several Alabama school system social media sites the popular taquito made by Tyson is returning to school lunchrooms.

The production of the  beloved snack was halted at the beginning of the school year in August 2021. Tyson blamed a shortage of tortillas and workers as the reason for the removal of the menu item.


Both the Jefferson County Schools Child Nutrition Program and the Etowah County Schools Child Nutrition Program celebrated online this past Friday the return of crispitos. 

From Jefferson County:

“We’ve just received word that the good folks at Tyson Foods have started making Crispitos for schools again! Coming soon…to a school cafeteria near you” …Jefferson County Schools

The Bama Buzz intern Summer Guffey, explained why Alabama students love the crunchy Mexican dish. 

“Back in high school, I would bring my lunch except when crispitos were on the menu. We treated Crispito Day like a special holiday, they were that good—at least for a public school’s lunchroom.”

Need more proof. Check out the Cullman School System response.

(Cullman Schools Facebook)

Are you a crispitos fan?  Tell us why they are a favorite in school lunchrooms and tag us on social media  at @thebamabuzz

Pat Byington
Pat Byington
Articles: 464