Guided tours of the Wetumpka Impact Crater return February 25

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The Coosa River in Downtown Wetumpka (Pat Byington/The Bama Buzz

After nearly a three year absence, guided tours of the Wetumpka Impact Crater are returning on February 25th.

These will be the first tours by the Wetumpka Impact Crater Commission since the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Wetumpka Herald.

What is the Wetumpka Impact Crater?

From the Alabama Travel website:

“The location of the Wetumpka Astrobleme – star-wound – originated from a cosmic event that occurred some 80 to 83 million years ago. It was confirmed only recently, after more than two years of extensive investigation and deep earth core drilling conducted on site. It is one of the few above-ground impact crater locations in the United States and one of only about six in the entire World.”

Crater Lecture

In addition to the guided tours, on February 23, 6:30PM at the Wetumpka Civic Center, Auburn University professor of geology, Dr. David T. King will give a lecture on how the crater was created and update participants on his research and many discoveries about this unique  natural wonder.

Details On Tour

Mural in Wetumpka, Alabama (Pat Byington/The Bama Buzz)

The guided tours of the rim are on Saturday, Feb. 25. 

The two hour tours are scheduled to leave from Trinity Episcopal Church (here is a Google Map) across from Winn Dixie on U.S. Hwy. 231 at 8:25AM., 9:55AM., 11:45AM. and 1:15PM.

If you are interested in taking a guided tour or doing a self guided tour, learn all about the Wetumpka Impact Crater at the Commission’s website.

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Pat Byington
Pat Byington
Articles: 480