New high-dollar building permits include renovation project at UAB

Reading time: 2 minutes

Building Permits
One of the high-dollar building permits issued this past week is at UAB’s School of Public Health facility. (UAB)

Ten new building permits were issued this past week across Alabama for construction projects exceeding $1 million. These include three projects in North Alabama, three in the Birmingham metro and two in the Montgomery area.

Read more on these new building permits below:

UAB’s School of Public Health facility to undergo renovation

Building Permits
A $5 million permit was issued for renovations at UAB’s School of Public Health. (UAB)

The University of Alabama’s School of Public Health is undergoing some renovations, which is one of the permits issued this past week.

The renovation project includes converting labs to offices on the sixth floor; new finishes in restrooms, elevator lobby/break room and corridors.

 CT Construction is general contractor, CCR is architect of record. The permit is for $4.9 million.

More on these new building permits

Thanks to our friends at Report Construction LLC, we have the list of all of the new million-dollar-plus construction projects approved in Alabama last week. Each week, they pull together information from building permits issued to get all the details on these projects. You can get access to all of their construction permits right here.

Here’s more on these new building permits in Alabama this week:

In case you missed them

Building Permits
The Tuscaloosa Tennis Center was issued two permits totaling nearly $20 million recently. (City of Tuscaloosa)

In case you missed them, here are some of our more recent reports on Alabama building permits:

Looking to stay in the loop on these projects and more in Alabama? Follow The Bama Buzz on FacebookLinkedIn & Instagram!

Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 152