New Gadsden City Hall among latest high-dollar building permits

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The new Gadsden City Hall will be at the former Regions Bank building on Broad Street. (City of Gadsden)

Eleven new building permits were issued at the start of the month across the state for construction projects exceeding $1 million. Six of these are in the Birmingham metro, but the most expensive permits is for a new City Hall building in Gadsden.

Here’s more on these building permits:

More on the new Gadsden City Hall

Building Permits
The new City Hall in Gadsden is under construction. (City of Gadsden)

A $16.6 million building permit was issued this month for the City of Gadsden for the relocation of its City Hall. Here’s what to know:

  • The Gadsden City Hall will relocate to the building formerly occupied by Regions Bank at 200 Broad St, Gadsden, AL 35901.
  • The project includes renovating the Regions building and a neighboring administrative building (which will be connected).
  • The new building includes 28,000 square feet of space.
  • The complex will feature new city council chambers, council offices and a city clerk’s office.
  • City Hall operations will be moved to the Regions building in 18 months.

More on these new building permits

Thanks to our friends at Report Construction LLC, we have the list of all of the new million-dollar-plus construction projects approved in Alabama last week. Each week, they pull together information from building permits issued to get all the details on these projects. You can get access to all of their construction permits right here.

Here’s more on these new building permits in Alabama this week:

DateCityBuilderOwnerof ProjectProjectAddressProjectSubdivisionProjectStateProjectZip CodeSubtype of ProjectSquare FootageAmount
02/06/2025CaleraDon Spurlin ConstructionCalera Hospitality LLC95 Beverly DriveAL$8,482,183
02/06/2025CullmanMyrick Gurosky and AssoicatesFrist Baptist Church501 2nd Ave SWAL$9,750,000
02/06/2025GadsdenClements Dean Building CoOwner Information Not Provided200 Broad StreetAL35901$16,689,000
02/06/2025GuntersvilleDuckett Point LLCOwner Information Not Provided76 Kingfisher WayAL$1,400,000
02/06/2025HooverCentennial Homes LLCCentennial Homes4437 Village Green CirclePreserveALNew Construction$1,950,000
02/06/2025HuntsvilleTurner Construction CompanyHuntsville/Madison Chamber905 Mark C Smith Dr NWAL$16,573,692
02/06/2025Mtn BrookBrasfield & Gorrie LLC2305 Montevallo Partners LLC2305 Montevallo RoadAL35213$2,501,621
02/06/2025Mtn BrookMurray Building Company IncLift Lane Parke LLC4000 Lane Parke CourtAL$3,278,000
02/06/2025Shelby CountyCentennial Homes LLCDominion South Oak LLC844 Cavalier RidgeSouth OakAL35242$1,900,000
02/06/2025Shelby CountyFrancis Bryant ConstructionKevin Gann119 Saunders Bridge ROadAL35147$1,700,000
02/06/2025TuscaloosaJ J Morley Enterprise IncBvshssf Tuscaloosa534 7th Ave NeAL35404$1,448,070

In case you missed them

Building Permits
The new Lagrange Hall is one of the new building permits issued earlier this year. (TurnerBatson)

In case you missed them, here are some of our more recent reports on Alabama building permits:

Looking to stay in the loop on these projects and more in Alabama? Follow The Bama Buzz on FacebookLinkedIn & Instagram!

Michael Seale
Michael Seale
Articles: 152