Town Creek Inclusive Playground: A parallel play paradise

Reading time: 3 minutes

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This inclusive playground has many accessible features, enabling persons with all abilities can enjoy playing in a space together. (Ella Walton / The Bama Buzz)

In June 2022, the City of Auburn constructed a 60,000+ square-foot playground, the total capital budget of the project equaling $4,265,088.81. The playground is inclusive, meaning it features aspects that go above and beyond ADA guidelines to create a place where persons of all abilities and needs can play.

Here’s a quick run-down:

  • Location: 430 Camellia Drive
  • Hours: Sunup to sundown

Keep reading for a closer look at some of this playground’s features + a list of accessible/inclusive playgrounds in Alabama!

Town Creek Inclusive Playground in Auburn

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The Town Creek Inclusive Playground’s terrain makes it easier for those with assistive devices to travel throughout the playground. (Ella Walton / The Bama Buzz)

The Town Creek Inclusive Playground includes ramp sidewalks and is surfaced with poured rubber and ADA-compliant turf, making it easier for people with assistive devices to enjoy the park. This large playground contains a wide variety of inclusive playground equipment, from sensory panels to a monkey bar roller slide. Check below for a closer look at what kind of equipment this playground features.

A wheel-chair accessible Merry-Go-Round

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Town Creek Inclusive Playground includes a couple of Merry-Go-Rounds, one of which is wheelchair accessible. (Ella Walton / The Bama Buzz)

The Town Creek Inclusive Playground features two Merry-Go-Rounds. One has seats around its surface, while the other is level with the ground, ensuring it’s possible for those with wheelchairs to enjoy the equipment.

Adaptive swings

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A saucer-shaped swing sits in the Town Creek Inclusive Playgound’s center, with a harness swing behind it. (Ella Walton / The Bama Buzz)

The playground includes a range of inclusive swing-sets throughout the park. Swings with harnesses and sensory saucer-shaped swings can both be found here.

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Adaptive harness swings are included at Town Creek Playground. (Ella Walton / The Bama Buzz)

Accessible swing glider

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Town Creek Inclusive Playground: A parallel play paradise 1

The Town Creek Inclusive Playground has two glider swings that are parallel to one another. One swing glider features a harness seat, allowing persons of all abilities to enjoy the ride.

Outdoor musical equipment

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Town Creek Inclusive Playground: A parallel play paradise 2

The playground is equipped with outdoor musical instruments that can be played at all heights, ensuring children with accessibility devices can partake in the activity. This sensory activity assists with the auditory development of children.

Wheelchair-accessible glider

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Town Creek Inclusive Playground: A parallel play paradise 3

This large glider moves back and forth when pushed. With two benches on either side and space in the middle of the platform for a wheelchair, there is plenty of room for anyone to join in on the fun.


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This piece of unique playground equipment

The Reflex®, created by Miracle® Recreation, can hold up to 15 kids and allows them to work together to move the structure up and down. This kind of sensory play encourages the development of children’s vestibular system, which is responsible for balance and movement.

Accessible/inclusive playgrounds in Alabama

  • A.P.E.X. Playground in Jasper
    • Location: 610 10th Avenue, Jasper, AL 35501
    • Hours: Dawn to dusk
  • Children’s Harbor Retreat Facility in Eclectic
    • Location: 434 Children’s Harbor Drive, Eclectic, AL 36024
  • Cove Universal Playground in Huntsville
    • Location: 429 Taylor Road, Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763
    • Hours: Dawn to dusk
  • Rotary Miracle Playground in Dothan
    • Location: 501 Recreation Road, Dothan, AL 36302
    • Hours: Dawn to dusk
  • Nucor United Community Park in Northport
    • Location: 1100 UCP Parkway, Northport, AL 35476
    • Hours: 8AM to 6PM

Does your city in Alabama have an inclusive playground? Let us know on InstagramFacebook or LinkedIn!

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    Ella Walton
    Ella Walton
    Articles: 30